
corporation law 〔美國〕公司法。

corporation lawyer

In view of this situation , we should begin with optimizing stock ownership structure and revising “ corporation law ” to reform soes based on modern enterprises structure , thus making perfect the legal representative structure of corporations 因此,對國有企業進行現代企業制度改造,應該從優化股權結構和修改公司法的不足入手,努力創建完善的公司法人治理結構。

Depriving the corporate opportunities is stipulated particularly in corporation laws of british and american law system , but the corporation laws of continental law system does n ' t regard it as an independent form of the director ' s duty of loyalty 篡奪公司機會是英美法系公司法的特有規定,而大陸法系公司法則沒有將其作為董事忠實義務的獨立存在形式看待。

Chapter one discusses the conception of the limited liability of shareholders . the limited liability of shareholders is an independent system in corporation law , and it is different from the limited liability in civil law 第二部分主要分析股東有限責任制度與法人制度的關系,指出股東有限責任不是法人制度的必然特征,其并非法人制度邏輯的產物。

Especially as the two foundation stones of the corporate personality system , the independence of corporate personality and the principle of shareholders “ limited liability take a “ double blade sword “ function in corporation law 特別是公司法人人格獨立和股東有限責任原則作為公司法人人格制度的兩大基石,在公司法中起著“雙刃劍”作用。

The third chapter analyzes the main obstacles carrying out eso in listed companies of china , including the obstacles of corporation law , securities law , the lack of regulations in the tax and fiscal system 第三章為我國上市公司實施股票期權制度所面臨的法律障礙,它包括公司法上的障礙、證券法上的障礙以及相應的稅收、會計制度的缺乏。

In the second part , 1 focus on the “ mitigation of directors “ liability “ of the newly modified 《 japan commercial code 》 , study the legislation trend in japan , and illuminate chinese new corporation law 其次,明確了它們之間的立法背景和模式的差異后,從公司種類的視角分析了各類公司在兩國公司法上具有的地位及對于國家經濟的影響。

This essay will demonstrate the relationship between the industrialization of high technology and the development of corporations through the explanations on the effect corporation law have on the development of market economy 通過論述公司制度對市場經濟發展的推動作用以及對公司發展的調節功能,說明了高新技術產業化與公司法的關系。

Making the company undertake social responsibility has already become a major tendency in the theory of corporation law , but the social responsibility and profitable goal of company is contradictory without doubt 摘要讓公司承擔一定程度的社會責任已經成為了公司立法的一大趨勢,但公司的社會責任與公司的營利性目的無疑是矛盾的。

It deals with both the chinese legal system and the common law system as in commonwealth countries , including contract law , property law , corporation law , labor law , taxation law and consumer protection law 它涉及中國法律系統和發達國家的一般法律系統,包括合同法,財產法,公司法,勞動法,稅法和消費保護法。

The fifth part analyzes the corporation law and its related provision on corporate governance , putting forward the coping strategy of perfecting corporate governance and restraining the insider ' s control 第五部分首先分析了公司法規范的性質,接著提出了完善我國國有公司治理結構,約束內部人控制的主要對策。

First , in order to overcome legal obstacles to the construction of eso , revising chinese corporation law , securities law , tax law and correlative accountant regulations has been proposed 在這一部分,本文首先論述了構建股票期權制度需修訂的公司法、證券法、稅法及會計法則等相關法令法規,以清除法律障礙。

In the process of reform , according the form that modern corporation law guides , our law firm ' s system predominately researches the management with corporation system 我國律師事務所組織正處在改制的關鍵時期,絕大多數律師事務所按照現代公司法原則的指引,正在探索依照公司制進行治理的途徑。

For this aim , the article makes deeper discussion , which is expected to be helpful for regulating connected transaction of listed companies on the basis of perfecting corporation law 本文為此進行了較為深入的探討,期望能對我國在完善公司法的基礎上對上市公司關聯交易進行規制有所幫助。

Once the system has flaws in the implementing process , we can rectify them with “ invalid ” and “ recallable ” systems . this system should be used for reference and transplanted by chinese corporation law 一旦該制度在實施過程中存在瑕疵,則可通過“無效”和“可撤銷”制度矯正。

This paper is divided into six parts : the first part discusses the foundation in law of commercial banks information disclosure from corporation law , financial law and contract law 本文分為六個部分:第一部分從公司法、金融法、合同法的角度,討論商業銀行信息披露的法理基礎。

In order to regulate connected transaction effectively , we should learn from foreign experiences and connect with our count ' s reality to amend and perfect the corporation law 筆者認為要有效地規制關聯交易應廣泛借鑒國外的成熟立法,并結合我國的實際對公司法進行修改和完善。

The legislator recognized this system for the consideration of value of efficiency , which incarnates the contract theory and is the result of competition of corporation laws 同時法律規定股東有限責任制度本身也體現了經濟價值,是公司法合同屬性的表現,也是公司法競爭的產物。

Teams at stone with specialization include : banking and finance , corporation law , real estate and construction , foreign investment and logistics 世通下設銀行金融法律中心、公司法律中心、建設房產法律中心、外商投資法律中心和物流法律中心,已形成專業化為特色的法律服務體系。

The different countries chose different interior supervising modes out of the different corporation law sense , the different concrete economic systems and the different traditions 各國因公司法理念、具體經濟制度以及文化傳統等各異而選擇了不同的內部監督機構設置模式。